The Butterfly Release
Butterflies are packaged in an insulated box with ice packs to keep the butterflies dormant. When it comes time to release the butterflies, the box of butterflies should be removed from the insulated box about an hour prior to release time. This will give the butterflies time to warm up and be ready to fly when the boxes are opened.
Butterflies should be released on a warm, dry day, at least two hours prior to sunset. The temperature must be above 16c and not raining. The butterflies can be released from individual boxes or larger boxes containing up to 30 butterflies per box. We recommend individual boxes for most events, the butterflies release better and guests enjoy being involved in the release.
We are located in Langley near 232nd Street & 40th Avenue. We do not ship butterflies so all orders are pick-up only.

FlutterBuys cannot guarantee the weather at your event.The air temperature should exceed 16 degrees and not be raining.